viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008

Beyond Belief

La vida es así. Ayer estaba preparando cosas para el viaje, mirando un par de discos que me tenía que bajar (entre carreras y carreras en el curro), y pasó. Me volví a encontrar con ella, y no pude hacer otra cosa que enamorarme. No es porque sea pelirroja (y los que me conocen saben lo que eso supone para mi), no es porque sea muy guapa, que lo es. Escuchadla cantar y me entendereis.

Wisdom, knowledge, science
You know that's always better, faster
This is the final end

A voice in the wilderness
Fights in fear no more
Because this stronger death
More sold men before

Massive tears wake up
Shows what's to expect
Scores on top of scores
Racing towards a future we don't have

Fear is taking over me
There is nothing I can see

The future is as certain
As life will come to an end
When time feels like a burden
We struggle with a certain death

Wisdom, knowledge, science
You know that's always better, faster

We have to guide ourselves
For we cannot stand
One more false pretence getting out of hand

Now fear is the driving force
Taking over us
And finding out this source
Made to know to be too much to bear

Fear is taking over me
There is nothing I can see
How could peace seem more to be

The future is as certain
As life will come to an end
When time feels like a burden
We struggle with a certain death

Wisdom, knowledge, science
You know that's always better, faster
Defeat the science, knowledge, wisdom
These words have always everlasted
This is the final end

Vertigo, impossible
Vertigo, impossible
We store all that belongs to us

It depends, the way to speak
It depends, is what we say
We store all that was left behind

The future is as certain
As life will come to an end
When time feels like a burden
We struggle with a certain death


The future is as certain
As life will come to an end
When time feels like a burden
We struggle with a certain death

Wisdom, knowledge, science
You know that's always better, faster
Defeat the science, knowledge, wisdom
These words have always everlasted
This is the final end

4 comentarios:

tita hellen dijo...

Tengo varios dvds de musica para darte, asi que no te vyaas sin que te los de.

Ademas, quieres que te grabe lo que tengo de Kenshin, musica incluida, Beck (la serie de manga) y Ranma?

John Black dijo...

No me pensaba marchar sin quedar antes contigo, muchacha. Eso ni se duda. El sábado que viene pensaba hacer reunion masiva. Si a Darith y a ti no os viene bien, ya hablamos y buscamos un huequillo cuando sea.

Y tu graba sin miedo, que sabes que confio plenamente en tu buen gusto ;)

tita hellen dijo...

pero digo videos, los quieres?

Reservado el sabado que viene para el caballero

John Black dijo...

Pos claro que los quiero. Que los hoteles son muy aburridos (y los gabachos tambien).

Muchas thankius por la reserva del día, ya te haré la invitación oficial si te pillo por msn, o via telefónica.